Some times asking kids the same question over and over gets boring and old. You may start to receive the same answer over and over or you'r child may stop responding. Here are some different ways to ask to help open up conversation between you and you'r child~
1. Did you make a new friend today?
2. Tell me one good thing that happened today? (did anything bad happen?)
3. What was the best part of today?
4. Did you need help today?
5. What made you laugh today?
6. What did you do at recess?
7. Did anything make you mad?
8. Do you have a classroom job? (a classroom pet?)
9. If you could read minds what do you think you'r teacher was thinking today?
10. If you got to be the teacher for one day what would you do?
11. Did you read anything new?
12. Who do you sit next to today?
13. Was there anything you had trouble doing today?
14. What was the best part about lunch?
15. What is one new thing you learned today?
16. Was there any thing you'r teacher taught you that you knew all ready?
17. Tell me a story about today
18. Did you help anyone today?
19. What do you think you will do tomorrow in school?
1. Did you make a new friend today?
2. Tell me one good thing that happened today? (did anything bad happen?)
3. What was the best part of today?
4. Did you need help today?
5. What made you laugh today?
6. What did you do at recess?
7. Did anything make you mad?
8. Do you have a classroom job? (a classroom pet?)
9. If you could read minds what do you think you'r teacher was thinking today?
10. If you got to be the teacher for one day what would you do?
11. Did you read anything new?
12. Who do you sit next to today?
13. Was there anything you had trouble doing today?
14. What was the best part about lunch?
15. What is one new thing you learned today?
16. Was there any thing you'r teacher taught you that you knew all ready?
17. Tell me a story about today

19. What do you think you will do tomorrow in school?
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