In one bowl mix one small bottle of glue (white works better then clear but both do work) with one cup of water....add in any decorations to this bowl (we used leaves)
in another bowl mix 1/2 cup of water with one teaspoon of borax.
Makes sure both bowls are mixed well then add the borax water to the other bowl while mixing. Mixing with hands makes it easier. Once mixed let it sit for few mins and done!~
Mine was a little sticky but after sitting it was good to go.
To store place in a air tight container, it will last for awhile.
Not edible but I think that's a given.
In one bowl mix one small bottle of glue (white works better then clear but both do work) with one cup of water....add in any decorations to this bowl (we used leaves)
in another bowl mix 1/2 cup of water with one teaspoon of borax.
Mine was a little sticky but after sitting it was good to go.
To store place in a air tight container, it will last for awhile.
Not edible but I think that's a given.
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