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July 4th crafts!

Fire works paint #1
First paint some fire works then add some glitter. Easy and fun!
fire works shaving cream
shaving cream with red and blue paint fireworks and glitter. Sensory fun!

Glitter fire works!
Using glue make your fire works then cover in glitter!


4 boxes (3-ounces each) Jello (or store brand gelatin dessert) in different colors
14-oz can sweetened condensed milk
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin (Knox)


1. For each flavor, dissolve one box of Jello in 1 cup of boiling water. Pour into a square container that is about 6 to 8" square and chill at least 3 hours, or overnight. (Try to use the same size for all four so that the blocks will come out the same. In this case the smaller the better - I used 8" pans and felt my "blocks" were a little too flat.)
2. After chilling the flavors, cut them into small blocks.
3. Carefully mix the blocks in a 9x13-inch pan.
4. In a separate bowl, sprinkle 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin into ½ cup cold water. After the gelatin blooms, add 1½ cups boiling water and dissolve. Add the can of condensed milk. Stir and let cool. Pour cooled milk mixture over Jello blocks in 9x13 pan. Skim off any small bubbles that are created when you pour the condensed milk on the Jello pieces. Chill overnight or at least 3 hours until firm.
5. Cut into blocks or shapes and serve.

Directions:1.  Clean the toilet paper roll, ensuring all the paper is gone.
2.  Cut slits in on end of the roll (all the way around).
3.  Fold up the slits so the roll resembles an octopus.
4.  Squirt red and blue paint onto work area and dip the roll into the paint and then create your fireworks!

What you'll need:

  • Red, white and blue construction paper
  • 2 large googly eyes
  • Black marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
How to make your 4th of July Star Man:
  • Cut a large star out of red construction paper. Cut 4 smaller stars out of blue construction paper.
  • Cut 4 strips of white paper approximately 1" thick. Fold the paper back and forth, accordian style.
  • Glue the 4 white strips onto the back of the red star - two will be the arms, two will be the legs.
  • Glue the blue stars onto the ends of the white strips to be the hands and feet.
  • Glue the eyes onto the red star and draw on a smile with the black marker.

handprint flag
What you'll need:

  • red stamp pad
  • blue stamp pad
  • white card stock
  • envelope (optional)
  • black marker
  • wipes
How to make your Patriotic Fingerprint Flag Card:
  • Using the red stamp pad, press your index finger into the stamp pad. Place your fingerprint sideways, along the bottom of the card. Repeat along the entire bottom of the card to form a red stripe. (see photo)
  • Skip a 1/2 inch, and create another red stripe across the width of the card. Move your finger up another 1/2 inch and create a third red stripe across the card. (see photo)
  • Continue forming red stripes 1/2 inch apart, but indent 1/3 of the page, to leave room for the blue portion of the flag. Create two of these red, shorter stripes.
  • Using the wipes, clean red ink off your index finger. Place the top on the red stamp pad so that it does not dry out.
  • Once your finger is clean, place your index finger in the blue stamp pad. In the blank white space left, create a box outline with the blue ink on your finger. Then, randomly stamp spots with the blue ink, leaving enough white spaces as stars on the flag. (see photo)
  • Once the blue portion is completed, wipe the blue ink off your finger and return the top to the blue stamp pad.
  • Finally, take the black marker, and on the inside of the card, write "Happy Fourth of July!"
  • Write a brief note and leave the card in a neighbor's mailbox or mail to a friend!

What you'll need:

  • Red, white, blue and black construction paper
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
How to make your hand print fireworks:
  1. Trace your child's hand print. Cut out multiple copies on all of the colors of paper.
  2. Glue the hand prints onto the black construction paper. You want to create a circle of hand prints and have them overlap the whole way around (see the picture provided).
  3. Once the hand prints are glued down, squirt a line of glue all around the outside edge of the hand prints.
  4. Have your child dump glitter on the glue and shake it a bit to coat
    *Tip: if you have younger children, try putting the piece of paper in the lid to a shirt box or something similar. This helps contain the glitter a bit better than just a piece of newspaper.
  5. Dump off the excess glitter.  


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