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Showing posts from March, 2017

Can you name these places around you?

I am a Philly born and raised girl so coming to this area has been different for me, I am trying to learn of new fun places to explore. Any places let me know! Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 Pic5 Pic6 Pic7 Pic8 Pic9 Pic10 Pic11 Pic12

Nail polish dipped eggs

Need~ Room temperature water (has to be room temperature and it is easier to do this in a bowl then a cup)  nail polish in different colors plastic eggs A place to let them dry Firs thing to do is drop some nail polish in the water, if the water is not room temperature then it will sink and you need it to float to work. Try using a tooth pick and swirl around the nail polish to get a different effect. Once you have a pattern you like dip the eggs on the top of the water and roll them around till covered. We tried to use gloves for this but it ended up very slippery and found just wiping hands between dipping eggs worked just find for clean up. Set out to dry in a well vented room and that is it. Me and my daughter both loved this craft and wished we had more spring colors to work with but really they still came out beautiful! Highly recommend for any older kid, they make great room decor. 

Easter Egg Stacking game

Plastic eggs seem to  multiply between Easter seasons, while they wait in a storage bin I am not sure what goes on. So every Easter season I let my kids play with them, in hopes some break and need to be thrown away. lol This year we are focused on reusing them any way we can. Besides just letting them play egg hunt, we tried out this stacking game. The way to win is to make our stack the highest using the most eggs.  It ended up being a lot harder then it looked. Another way to play is to take turns stacking one half of a egg at a time and then who ever drops the tower is out. The game ends when only one person is left. Great game for fine motor  skills!

Popsicle Easter basket

Easy to make but I would suggest making it a parent/kid craft and using hot glue to put it together, if that can not happen regular glue works also. It is a universal craft that can be done in many ways!

St. Patties day puppy craft

Puppy boredom buster, A fun way for kids to bond with a puppy or dog!

All you need for this is puppy/dog treats and a cupcake tin. Training treats are best because they  are not fatty so a pup or dog doesn't gain much weight form eating these. Place a treat in each cup and place a ball on top. That's it, let your dog or puppy have fun trying to get the treats out.  It took our puppy about 20 mins to get them all and my kids enjoyed doing this activity with him and cheering him on as he tried to remove the balls.

Ways to survive a road trip with kids! Tips, trick, and ideas!

Getting threw any road trip can be tough on kids and even harder on the parents. So recently we took a road trip to pick up our new puppy and this is how we survived. :) ~First thing we did was make busy bags. Cheap little things went into a bag to keep kids busy during the ride. (I suggest staying away from the balls and bubbles some people add, balls can roll and get caught under the drivers peddle and bubbles seem to never go out the window for us and we tend to end up with a soapy car.) ~Second thing to remember is snacks! Plan ahead if you will stop for food or will pack snacks. We decided to pack snacks. Each kid got their own bag with small snacks for along the way. Try using organizers to store food for trips. ~Something to look into is games like~ I-Spy Road trip Bingo (search for free printable ones) License Plate game (try to find a plate for mall 50 states) 20 Questions The singing game (one person starts a song and the others have to connect the song and keep...

Candle Slime

Need~ Candle wax ( I normally have pieces left over from old candles) glue liquid starch This is a adult helping craft!(this is not edible no matter how nice it smells lol) but once it is done it is great for play and for testing your sense of smell. The first thing to do is pour one bottle of glue into a bowl. Then melt a little bit of wax either on the stove or in the microwave. Once melted add it to the glue and mix. Last slowly add in liquid starch and mix till slime forms. It does not take much starch. Once done it should not be hot and should be ready for play. We used a old cupcake candle and when we were done playing we used the candle jar for storage. As long as it is air tight the slime will last for a very long time! Here is a video showing how I made it~

Water target game

Fun game for summer All you need is sponges, chalk and water. Make goals and have each kid take turns throwing a wet sponge to see what number they hit. Who ever gets the highest amount of points win. Trying moving a foot back each time you hit a number to make the game harder.